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Tillie Linnea Norberg Yocus
Roberta Truempler2025-03-01T12:44:52-06:00
- Name: Tillie Linnea Yocus (Norberg)
- Location of Birth: Jacobson, Minnesota
- Date of Birth: January 3, 1922
- Date of Death: January 28, 1997 (75 years old)
- Parents: Reinhold and Dina Norberg
- High School and Class: 1940 Grand Rapids High School, Grand Rapids, Minnesota
- College: 1942 Itasca Junior College, Coleraine, Minnesota
- Highest Rank: PFC (Private First Class)
- Branch: Marine Corp
- Other Branch:
- Date Sworn In: April 19, 1944
- Place Sworn In: Los Angeles, California
- Date of Discharge: December 28, 1945
- Place of Discharge:
- Military Awards:
- Military Highlights:
Newspaper article: Grand Rapids Herald-Review, Grand Rapids, Minnesota - April 12, 1944: "Miss Tillie L. Norberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Norberg of Grand Rapids, has enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve. She will leave on April 14 for Camp LeJeune, North Carolina, for her recruit training. She took part in the mass induction ceremony held recently in Los Angeles, California, when almost 500 girls were inducted into the various services. Their motto - "Release a Man-Avenge Bataan" This marine recruit has a brother, Pfc. Elmer R. Norberg, who is a veteran of 14 months of overseas service as a U.S. Marine. He is now stationed at Newport, Rhode Island. Miss Norberg is a graduate of the Grand Rapids high school and of Itasca Junior College. Prior to her induction she was employed in the office of the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, U.S. Navy, Terminal Island, California."
Newspaper article: Grand Rapids Herald-Review, Grand Rapids, Minnesota - June 14, 1944 - "Private Tillie Norberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Norberg, Grand Rapids, and a member of the Marine Corps Women's Reserve, has recently finished her six-week "boot camp" training at Camp LeJeune, N.C. This course includes such subjects as military courtesy, Marine Corps history, close-order drill, chemical warfare, map reading and other similar subjects. Her first assignment will be as a clerk typist at Headquarters, Marine Corps, in Washington, D.C."
- Wars Involved:
World War II
- MIA / POW:
- Civilian Life:
Tillie and her husband owned and operated the Snow White/King Koin Laundromat in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.
She worked for the United States Geological Survey for many years and in 1984 was awarded Civil Servant of the Year Award by the United States government.
Tillie married Joseph Yocus on January 24, 1953, in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.
She is survived by her husband, Joseph; a son, Tony; two daughters, Bonita Yocus and Joanne Nelson; two stepsons, Joel and Dennis; a brother, Olaf Norberg; a sister, Inez Bruley; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Preceding her in death were her parents; a brother, Elmer and a sister, Marie Kleinschmidt.
Tillie died in her home and is buried in Ball Bluff Cemetery at Jacobson, Minnesota in Aitkin County.
- Tribal Affiliation(s):
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