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Edgar "Ray" Raymond Mullins, Jr.
Jeremy Anderson2021-07-10T18:27:38-05:00
- Name: Edgar "Ray" Raymond Mullins Jr.
- Location of Birth: Champaign, Illinois
- Date of Birth: August 16, 1923
- Date of Death: January 3, 1980
- Parents: Edgar R. Mullins, Sr. & Bess (Redhed) Mullins
- High School and Class: 1940 Greenway High School, Coleraine, Minnesota
- College:
- Highest Rank: LTJG (Lieutenant Junior Grade)
- Branch: Navy
- Other Branch:
- Date Sworn In: July 1, 1943
- Place Sworn In:
- Date of Discharge: April 20, 1954
- Place of Discharge:
- Military Awards:
- Military Highlights:
WW II Draft Registration Cards – 10/16/1940 – 03/31/1947
State: Minnesota
Name: Edgar Raymond Mullins, Jr.
Race: White
Age: 18
Birth Date: August 16, 1923
Birth Place: Champaign, Illinois, USA
Residence Place: Coleraine, Itasca, Minnesota, USA
Registration Date: June 30, 1942
Employer: Oliver Iron Mining Co., Coleraine, Itasca, Minnesota
Weight: 162
Height: 5-10
Complexion: Dark
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Next of Kin: Edgar R. Mullins, Coleraine, Minnesota
Newspaper article: Itasca Iron News, Coleraine, Minnesota - September 1944 – “With a “Frisco” postmark, this letter comes from Ensign Raymond Mullins: Dear Mrs. Phillips: Received the birthday greeting and the money order the other day and was sure welcome – it also brought me to life in realizing that I hadn’t written for quite some time. The Itasca Iron News has been reaching me regularly and it, too, does make a world of difference. Hope it always keeps coming regularly. Life for me in the Navy hasn’t been too exciting – from one point of view, nor dangerous from another. We sailed this little craft of ours from Norfolk around thru the Canal and up to San Diego, but from there on we’ve been sitting and waiting. This place holds plenty of interest and we’ve had all the time necessary to explore. How with the wartime boom and all, everything is somewhat confused. Hope to come back here someday. There is one thing though – your club certainly does deserve a world of credit and praise for what you have done. Very few other communities are as faithful as you have been, with many of the boys getting nothing. It does help to receive all of the things you do for everybody – there is no substitute for remembrance of home. Have some work to do – so I’d better say goodbye. Give my thanks to the club for all they’ve done and I hope we all can be home soon. Sincerely, Ray Mullins.”
Newspaper article: Itasca Iron News, Coleraine, Minnesota - December 1944 – “In his Christmas thank you letter to the Service Club, after expressing his appreciation of the Club’s package, Ensign Raymond Mullins tells that “leeway” is now being given the service men and women in relating their experiences. This is evidently true of all theatres of war, as much is being revealed by the men themselves which was previously kept out of letters. Ensign Mullins says: “We were in the invasion of Leyte Island in the Philippines last month for our first bit of action, and this ship must have borne a charm, for we didn’t suffer a casualty. It was quite an experience sneaking up on the enemy and taking them by surprise. Really, though, you probably know more about this than we do, since we have trouble getting news.”
Newspaper article: Itasca Iron News, Coleraine, Minnesota - January 1945 – “Ensign Raymond Mullins, whose letter published last week stated that his ship must have “borne a charm,” since they went thru the battle of Leyte without casualty, was later injured and is now a patient at a Naval base hospital in New Guinea. The unexpected discharge of one of the powerful guns on the boat where Mullins is stationed was responsible for his receiving a perforated eardrum. Ens. Mullins is the older son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mullins of Coleraine.”
Newspaper article: Itasca Iron News, Coleraine, Minnesota - November 1945 – “Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mullins received a letter from their son George this week telling them of his meeting his brother Raymond at Pearl Harbor. George was on a return trip from Tokyo, and knowing that Raymond’s ship was in the harbor he looked him up immediately upon landing. From all reports, it was a grand reunion of the two brothers, both in the Navy.”
Newspaper article: Itasca Iron News, Coleraine, Minnesota - December 1945 – “Dear Mrs. Phillips: The Christmas package from the Serviceman’s Club arrived yesterday in excellent condition and I want to thank you and the entire organization as soon as possible. It’s wonderful amid all the letdown to know that many realize that some of us are still out here. Words of appreciation are not sufficient to express my thanks. Someday I hope to be able to try in person. At present we are sitting here at Guam bound for parts unknown. When and where are still to be decided. We underwent a slight overhauling at Pearl Harbor in October and are now equipped to carry personnel. Presumably we will be used for inter-island or river work, but that may be changed. Never until now could I understand a Southerner’s desire to have a white Christmas. As cold as it may get and as deep as the snow may be, it still will be nice to come home to. Christmas seems lacking something without the snow and all the trimmings. No doubt Coleraine will be lighted up this year more nearly like it was in 1941. Please extend my thanks to the entire club. It’s indeed heartwarming to receive such gifts and tokens of appreciation and I only hope this letter conveys a small percentage of my thanks. Sincerely, Ray Mullins.”
- Wars Involved:
World War II
Korean War
- MIA / POW:
- Civilian Life:
Ray Mullins died in Chester County, Pennsylvania and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Coleraine, Minnesota (Block 147).
- Tribal Affiliation(s):
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